Praying for the Nations

Malaysia / Asia

pray for: Malaysia

praying for nations - FINAL

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Population: 32,776,195

Capital: Kuala Lumpur

% Urban: 77.7 %

Population Under 15 Yrs: 23.7 %

HDI Rank: 62 / 189


Official language: Malay

Languages: 145

All languages


Largest Religion: Muslim

ReligionPop %
Christians9.4 %
Evangelicals4.3 %
Muslim62.6 %

Challenges for Prayer:

Malaysian society faces an uncertain future. The Malay- and Islam-centric UMNO party dominated Malaysia’s political scene from independence. It followed policies that favoured ethnic Malays, but enriched a small proportion of them at the expense of everyone else. The gap between rich and poor increased as a result. At the same time, minorities feel frustrated with the discrimination and government corruption. As a result UMNO was defeated in the 2018 elections, signalling a new era in politics in Malaysia. Pray for the leaders, who must seek to hold the country together in ways that satisfy both moderate and conservative Muslims, as well as the sizeable and diverse minorities.

Pray for the less evangelized. The Malaysian Church has the resources and cultural knowledge to reach them, but it also needs the courage and commitment. The Malays are one of the world’s largest unreached groups. Some now worship in house groups and multi-ethnic churches, but no public congregation of ethnic Malays exists. The Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia (PM) are original inhabitants of the Malaysian peninsula. The Malay-dominated government considers them Muslim, but most practise animism. 8 of the 19 groups have no churches or believers.

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