Kids Material From 07 yrs

March 2021

OFF THE STAGE – Don’t leave the scene

Main Idea:

From the beginning, God has been faithful not only to his word, but He has also been faithful in His character. Because we know that God is good, we can live life with integrity. When Jesus lived on earth, He lived a perfect life, which we are unable to live. Through his Spirit, we can become upright people. The person we are in private must match who we are in public. When we trust God, we can be true to what we say and do.

Verse to memorize:

“Whoever walks with integrity walks safely, but whoever follows tortuous paths will be discovered.”

Proverbs 10: 9, NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Daniel’s Integrity.
  • No secrets with God.
  • Naaman and the Servant of Elisha.
  • Think about these things.

Application for life:

Integrity is choosing to be true to what you do.

Basic truth:

I can trust God no matter what.


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