Kids Material Fro 07 yrs

January 2021

UNDESCRIPTION – Creativity has no limits

Main Idea:

When we look outside and see the beautiful world around us, we are reminded that God is very big, powerful and creative. From birds flying high in the sky to planets orbiting the Sun, to animals running around the Earth, each of them shows God’s indescribable creativity.


Jesus used creativity in the way He told parables, performed miracles, and helped His followers to understand more about what it means to be part of the Kingdom of God. Above all, we are created in the image of God.


We can solve problems, create art and music, design skyscrapers. When we create, we reflect God’s image to the world around us.

Verse to memorize:

“Great is the Lord and worthy of praise; His greatness has no limits. ”


Psalm 145: 3, NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Creation.
  • We are God’s creation.
  • Ester.
  • Four friends who helped.
  • Sun and Light.

Application for life:

Creativity is imagining what you can do because you were made in the image of God.

Basic truth:

I can trust God no matter what.


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