Kids Material From 07 Yrs

April 2021

RECONECT: Build the bridge

Main Idea:

When Adam and Eve decided that following their own way was better than God’s way, they broke the rules, changing the relationship between God and His creation. When once everything and everyone could have been in God’s presence, now we were at odds with Him. God could have done whatever he wanted, including eliminating us and starting over. But instead, God decided to make peace with us. Ultimately, God did this through His Son Jesus.

Verse to memorize:

“Therefore, let us strive to promote everything that leads to peace and mutual edification.”

Romans 14:19 NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Easter God’s great story
  • Live in peace with others
  • Isaac’s Wells
  • Abigail intervenes

Application for life:

Peace is proof that you care more about each other than winning an argument.

Basic truth:

I can trust God no matter what.


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