Kids Material 01-06 yrs

May 2021

Gratitude Tree

Main Idea:

It’s time to make trees of gratitude!
Making gratitude trees is so much fun! The colors get more and more beautiful as the trees get bigger and bigger. And it feels so good to think and write the reasons we’re grateful – for a whole month! It’s always good to focus on the good things that happen in our lives. And there are so many good things when it comes to God.


Because God is good! That’s what we want kids to learn this month. God is good and we have A LOT to thank Him for. So get ready to create that tree of gratitude and say to God “Thank you!” Let’s give thanks for all the good things He has done and has done! We can’t wait to celebrate gratitude all month long!

Verse to memorize:

“Give thanks to the Lord that He is good.”

Psalm 107:1

This month we will learn:

  • I can thank God for the good things.
  • I can thank God for the food.
  • I can thank God for the family that helps me.
  • I can thank God for the people who help me.
  • I can worship God because He is good.

Key question:

Who helps me?

Basic truth:

God is good.


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