Kids Material 01-06 yrs

march 2021

Singing in the Rain

Main Idea:

People of all ages go through circumstances that make them look for someone who can help them, someone who protects them and helps them carry the burden.


This month children will learn that God is the best person for this job. No matter what the situation or how uncertain the circumstances may be, we can know that God is with us wherever we go, and God has the power to do anything. That kind of trust in God is what allows us to sing in the rain.

Verse to memorize:

“The Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go.”


Joshua 1: 9c NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abede-Nego.
  • Moses in basket.
  • Agar.
  • Noah.

Key Question:

Who has the power to do anything?

Basic truth:

God loves me.


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