Kids Material 01-06 yrs

June 2021

I See

Main Idea:

June and July will be about what we can see with our little eyes. Get ready for “I See”. It’s a great topic that helps us see the things that lead us to believe in Jesus.


In “I See”, we are helping preschool children to see in the Word of God, everything about Jesus and, thus, be able to believe in Him. We will have a key question and a main idea for June and July, and we will not tire of repeating them. Be prepared to ask, “Who believes in Jesus?” and respond, “I believe in Jesus” over and over again. Our hope is that each of your preschoolers will have this truth engraved in their hearts, knowing they can believe in Jesus forever.

Verse to memorize:

“But these were written for you to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.”

John 20:31

This month we will learn:

  • Jesus – The Gospels
  • Last Days of Jesus
  • Paul’s conversion
  • Peter and Cornelius

Application for life:

I must always trust Jesus.

Basic truth:

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


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