Kids Material 01-06 yrs

January 2021

Say Xis

Main Idea:

I am admirably made in the image of God! Have you ever thought about yourself that you are wonderfully made in the image of God?


We tend to forget the wonderful way in which we were raised, as we grew up and became adults. Time has its way of taking away our shine. That’s why people encourage us to “say xissss” when they take our picture.


I think that if we really, really, really believed that we are wonderfully made in the image of God, no one would ever have to tell us to smile when they had to take a picture of us. We would be smiling from ear to ear, and living in wonder that God created us!


This is what we want your children to understand and to start smiling with confidence because they know that God created them.

Verse to memorize:

” I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” 


Psalm 139: 14, NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Made admirably in the image of God;
  • You are important to God;
  • God loves us very much;
  • I can pray to God;
  • Timothy and Tabitha

Key Question?

Who raised me?

Basic truth:

God created me.


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