Kids Material 01-06 yrs

February 2021

Super Kids

Main Idea:

We love our superheroes. We love their strength and bravery, and how they use their special powers and super weapons to save the day. Whether it’s a loop that forces you to tell the truth or a trident that manipulates the water, it’s always exciting to watch! And in real life? We all want to be strong and courageous. We all want to say that we will be courageous when faced with fear. But how? What can help us to be courageous?


How can our children be strong and courageous, superchildren without covers, and with the superpowers we see in movies? This month, we plan to give children the answers to all of these questions, while having fun like superheroes!


We want children to grow up knowing that they can be courageous because God is with them. Yea!


God can help you to be courageous! They don’t even need a cape or mask! It will be amazing if the kids start thinking, “God can help me be brave” when they are afraid to go into the dentist’s office or talk to a new friend from school. Instead of running away, THEY can go ahead! THAT will be SUPER!

Verse to memorize:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lordyour God goes with you;”


Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Daniel in the lions pit.
  • Gideon in Battle.
  • Miriam.
  • Hezekiah.

Key Question:

Who helps you to be brave?

Basic truth:

God loves me.


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