Kids Material 01-06 yrs

August 2021

Out of Series!

Main Idea:

This month is going to be Out of Series! We’re going to use this fun and exciting theme to help teach kids about the most amazing thing ever, which turns out not to be a thing. Not! He is a person! You know who I’m talking about – Jesus! We are teaching children that Jesus is amazing! And we’re doing that by sharing stories about some of Jesus’ amazing miracles.


Jesus demonstrated an incredible understanding of God when he was in time, and He was just a boy. The people who heard Him were amazed!


Jesus calmed a storm with just one word. Incredible! Jesus filled the fishermen’s nets with fish. Incredible! Jesus healed a blind man with mud and spit. Incredible! This world, or rather this universe, is full of incredible things, but nothing will be more incredible than the One who created everything. Jesus is amazing, and we want our preschoolers to know it!

Verse to memorize:

“All who heard him were amazed.”

Luke 2:47a

This month we will learn:

  • Jesus teaches in the temple.
  • The four friends.
  • Calming the storm.
  • Catching the fish.
  • Healing the blind man.

Application for life:

I must always trust Jesus.

Basic truth:

Jesus wants to be my friend forever


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