Kids Material 01-06 yrs

April 2021

Flying Kites

Main Idea:

This month, we’re going to talk about something that’s wide, tall, and deep. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s the love of Jesus.


Jesus’ love for each of us is so wide, long, tall, and deep that we can’t even measure it!


We want to share the good news that Jesus is alive with our children throughout the month.


We want them to hear over and over that Jesus wants to be their friend forever.


We want this fundamental truth of Jesus’ great love for them to live in each one’s heart.

Verse to memorize:

“The love of Christ is wide, long, high, and deep.”

Ephesians 3:18

This month we will learn:

  • Easter
  • Breakfast on the beach
  • the first church
  • the great commission

Application for life:

Who is your friend for all hours.

Basic truth:

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


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