About Us

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We are PBC !


Transform ordinary people into extraordinary, joyful and contagious disciples of Jesus.


Bring the whole gospel to the whole man, using every opportunity and every possibility to reach everyone.


To be a biblical, loving and cheerful church directed by the New Testament purposes of missions, worship, communion, service and discipleship.


We are a church committed to God and his values revealed in the Word that in love, contextualization, excellence takes every opportunity to present the whole gospel to everyone from the context in which it is inserted.

Priority To Biblical Teaching
It Is The Basis For Transformation Of The Individual And The Congregation. (2 Tim 3: 14-17; Jas 1: 23-24; Heb 4:12)

Plurality Of Leadership
Composed Of Men And Women Of Integrity And Recognized By The Church. (Ex 18: 13-27; 1 Tim 3; Tim 1)

Evangelization Based On Lifestyle
Because God Cares For The Lost, We Care Too. Healthy Relationships Must Be Established. (Mt 28:19, 20; Ac 11: 19-21)

Purpose-Based Planning
Targets Must Be Functional, Realistic And Objective. The Church Must Be Culturally Relevant And Contextualized In Culture And Time, While Remaining Doctrinally Pure. (1 Cor 9: 19-23; 1 Cor 16: 5-12)

In Its Reproduction, The Church Must Develop Discipleship
Reproduction Conforms To The Image Of Christ. Discipleship Is Not An Option, But An Order (“Do It”). We Must Get Involved To Make An Individual A Fruitful Disciple Of Jesus.


The Church Must Be Characterized By A People Active In A Ministry – In A Right Place, For The Right Reasons
The Ministry Network Helps Members To Identify Their Servant Profile And Tailor Them To A Specific Ministry. (1 Pet 4: 10,12; Rom 12: 3–8)

Love Must Permeate The Care Of One Another
We Must Look For Those Outside… We Cannot Neglect Those Inside Here To Promote Mutual Edification. (Col 3: 12-17; Gal 6: 1,2)

The Church Should Emphasize The Strengthening Of Families
Both The Old Testament And The New Testament Teach That, As A Priority, Parents Should Transmit The Teaching Of The Word Of God To Their Children; Spouses Must Love And Respect Each Other. (Deut 6: 4-9; Eph 5: 18-6: 4)

Pursuit Of Excellence Implies Changes And Transformations
Pursuing Excellence Brings Honor To God And Reflects His Character. Growth Calls For Evaluation, Planning And Hard Work. (Mt 23: 13-36; Col 3:17)

In The Dynamics Of Life, Faith Must Be Exercised And Developed
People Need To Have Their Faith Challenged To Believe What God Can Do, The Way He Wants To Do It, The Time He Has Determined To Do It. (2 Co 8 And 9; Rom 1: 16,17)

The Church Must Always Bring A Clear Conscience And Practice Of Stewardship
The Total Consecration And Submission To The Lord Of Who We Are And What We Have Are Characteristics Of Jesus’ Fruitful Disciple. (2 Cor 9: 7-13; Col 3:17)

The Church Must Develop A Correct Attitude Towards Worship And Prayer
We Are Challenged To Glorify God For What He Is, To Praise Him For What He Has Done And To Celebrate What He Has Done. (Rom 14:17; Ps 145; Ps 150)

Our Guiding Principles

What We Believe

The existence of one and eternal God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one in essence and triune in people.
1.1. God the Father, eternal, creator and supporter of the whole universe, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, holy, sovereign over everything and everyone, before and now, and forever and ever;
1.2. God the Son, eternal, only begotten of God the Father, incarnate, immaculate, Lamb of God, dead and risen, the only mediator between God and men;
1.3. God, Holy Spirit, eternal, poured out on all mankind. God who inhabits the Church, comforter, intercessor, who works to convince man of his sin, of justice in Christ, and of the judgment of God, who anoints and empowers the Church for the continuity of the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.

The divine inspiration, truthfulness and integrity of the Bible, as originally revealed, and its supreme authority in matters of faith and conduct.

The creation of the universe in perfect harmony, and of the human being in the image and likeness of God.

The universal sinfulness and guilt of all men, since the fall of Adam, and the consequent subjection of all men to the wrath of God’s condemnation, and to the corruption and degeneration of the entire created universe.

The redemption of guilt, penalty, dominion and corruption of sin, only through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, our substitute representative, who through his atoning death – his broken body and his shed blood – satisfied justice of God and triumphed over death, the devil and his evil angels, freeing all human beings for all eternity.

The bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and his ascension to the right hand of God the Father.

The justification of sin only by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, through the action of the Holy Spirit.

The only holy and universal church, which is the body of Christ, Himself being its builder and Head, and which, on earth, manifests itself through local Christian communities, to which all believers belong.

The kingdom of God as God’s domain, in fact and in law, over everything and everyone, inaugurated in history through Jesus Christ and manifested through his Church, and that will be consummated in eternity for the glory of God the Father .

The Church’s mission as an extension of the mission of Jesus Christ, namely, “to bring the whole gospel to the whole man”, calling on all men to participate in the kingdom of God.

The security of the second coming of Jesus Christ in a glorified body; the resurrection of the dead and the consummation of the eternal kingdom of God.