Kids Material From 07 yrs

June 2021

Focus: Take a Closer Look

Main Idea:

We cannot see God with our eyes. But we can grow in our faith when we focus on who He is and what He has done. We see his work on display at creation. We see the love of God shown in the figure of Jesus, who came to rescue us.


We respond to God in faith, believing what we cannot see because of what we can see. When we focus on what we know to be true about God and the world He created, we can have faith in what we cannot fully see or understand.

Verse to memorize:

“Now Faith is the certainty of what we hope for and the proof of the things we don’t see”.


Hebrews 11:1, NIV

This month we will learn:

  • Faith Is… Hebrews 11:1-12:3
  • Paul Becomes a Christian Acts 9:1-9
  • Ananias helps Saul Acts 9:10-31
  • Peter goes to Cornelius’ house Acts 10

Application for life:

Faith is trusting something you don’t see because of the things you can see.

Basic truth:

I can trust God no matter what.


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